
By now, you have heard about heartbleed probably? The basics? It’s a bug in OpenSSL that allows hackers to bypass the security that a SSL gives you. If your site has a SSL, it’s important that this is fixed right away. Whether you are on Magento,...

Magento & Zend

Recently, I have come across a number of issues triggered by compatibility issues between Zend, Magento, php 5.4.12, and APC. One, if you cannot print Magento invoices, it’s because of one of the files in the Zend framework. The other issue people seem to have,...

Fix for WooCommerce Navigation Disappears

Recently, I have dealt with a few clients who had WordPress themes that were not built with WooCommerce (or any e-commerce system) in mind. One of the issues they were experiencing was that when viewed on a tablet or phone, their theme (which are responsive themes)...